Private InnerShape As Shape Public Property Get Name() As String Name = InnerShape.Name End Property Public Sub SetShape(s As Shape) Set InnerShape = s End Sub Public Property Get Top() As Single Top = InnerShape.Top End Property Public Property Get Left() As Single Left = InnerShape.Left End Property Public Property Get Bottom() As Single Bottom = InnerShape.Top + InnerShape.Height End Property Public Property Get Right() As Single Right = InnerShape.Left + InnerShape.Width End Property Public Property Get Nodes(Number As Integer) As Node Select Case Number Case 1 Nodes.x = Me.Left Nodes.y = Me.Top Case 2 Nodes.x = Me.Right Nodes.y = Me.Top Case 3 Nodes.x = Me.Right Nodes.y = Me.Bottom Case 4 Nodes.x = Me.Left Nodes.y = Me.Bottom Case Else Err.Raise 1000, , "1~4を指定してください。" End Select End Property Public Function IsOverlapped(SW As ShapeWrapper) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 4 Step 1 IsOverlapped = _ (SW.Nodes(i).x > Me.Left And _ SW.Nodes(i).x < Me.Right And _ SW.Nodes(i).y > Me.Top And _ SW.Nodes(i).y < Me.Bottom) _ Or _ (Me.Nodes(i).x > SW.Left And _ Me.Nodes(i).x < SW.Right And _ Me.Nodes(i).y > SW.Top And _ Me.Nodes(i).y < SW.Bottom) If IsOverlapped Then Exit Function Next End Function
Public Type Node x As Single y As Single End Type Private Function WrappedShapes() As Collection 'シェイプをShapeWrapperで包んでコレクションに追加 Dim c As New Collection, s As Shape, SW1 As ShapeWrapper For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes Set SW1 = New ShapeWrapper SW1.SetShape s c.Add SW1, SW1.Name Next 'コレクションの各シェイプ同士の重なり判定 Dim c2 As Collection: Set c2 = New Collection Dim SW2 As ShapeWrapper For Each SW1 In c Dim arr() As Variant ReDim arr(0) arr(0) = SW1.Name c.Remove SW1.Name For Each SW2 In c If Not (SW1 Is SW2) Then If SW1.IsOverlapped(SW2) Then ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) + 1) arr(UBound(arr)) = SW2.Name c.Remove SW2.Name End If End If Next c2.Add arr Next Set WrappedShapes = c2 End Function Private Sub RecUngroupShape(sh As Shape) Dim memberShape As Shape If sh.Type = msoGroup Then For Each memberShape In sh.Ungroup Call RecUngroupShape(memberShape) Next End If End Sub Public Sub GroupOverlappingShape() Dim SW() As Variant Dim c As Collection: Set c = WrappedShapes For i = 1 To c.Count SW = c(i) ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(SW).Group Next End Sub Public Sub UngroupAllShapes() Dim sh As Shape For Each sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes Call RecUngroupShape(sh) Next End Sub